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Updated: February 2023

Question Categories
Although there is no exhaustive list to the types of questions which a candidate may encounter during an SIA Cadet Pilot interview, they broadly revolve around the same themes and can generally be surmised that similar questions are asked at both Preliminary and Final Interviews. To allow for ease of reference, Pilot Kaki has categorised the questions into ten categories:

The progress of the interview will typically follow the flow of the aforementioned categories, albeit with minor changes here and there. The interviewers will start with Introductory questions for obvious reasons while the subsequent type and amount of questions asked may differ accordingly, depending on the candidate's background and experience. However, the selected questions asked during the entire duration of the interview will usually cover across the entire range of categories.
To effectively prepare for the interviews, candidates should browse through all relevant questions across all categories.

Tell me more about yourself.
What are your previous work experiences (if any)?
Why do you want to be a pilot?
What do you like about being a pilot?
Why do you want to join Singapore Airlines? (Why not join Scoot or other airlines?)
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Did you apply for Singapore Youth Flying Club? Why or why not?
Did you apply for the Air Force? Why or why not?
Why did you choose to be a commercial pilot over an Air Force pilot?
What have you done so far and in the past to pursue your interest in aviation or flying?
Which area or part of being a pilot is attractive to you?
As you already have a family, how will you be able to manage financially with the lower pay during training?
Will your spouse accept the fact that you will often be apart and traveling often thereafter?
Why are you seeking a change in job?
You have worked very hard to reach your position in your current job. Why do you want to throw it all away?
If you were interested in aviation from a young age, why did you not pursue flying or something aviation-related?
Have you been researching or reading up on aviation? What are your sources?
Have you watched Sully? Describe the film. What did you learn from it?

Tell me about a time when you worked closely with someone you disliked. What did you do and what was the outcome?
Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
Give an example and outcome of a situation where you:
Had to make a decision quickly
Worked under pressure
Demonstrated strong leadership skills
Demonstrated good teamwork
Had to deal with a conflict / dispute
What was your biggest challenge in National Service?
What qualities / personalities are required to be a good pilot? Which of them do you have?
What are your greatest strengths?
What is your greatest weakness?
What is your greatest fear?
How do you think others around you will describe you? Why?
Do you have someone whom you view as a role model? What characteristics does he/she have?
What is your proudest accomplishment to date and why?
What is your most disappointing moment to date and how did you overcome it?
Share with us a situation where you under-achieved.
Describe the type of environment which you work best in.
Can you provide examples and show that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations, and environments?
How well do you communicate in both oral settings and in writing?
What will you do if your Captain does something that you disagree with? How will you handle it?
What is your favourite colour?

How does an aircraft fly?
What are the principles of flight / 4 forces of flight?
What is lift? How is it generated?
What are the primary flight controls of an aircraft?
How do the ailerons of an aircraft work?
Describe in detail how an aircraft:
Turn / Bank
Climb / Descend
Why does an aircraft not spin when you roll the aircraft?
Name the common instruments found in the cockpit.
Name one instrument to look at when the aircraft is:
Flying straight and level
Climbing / Descending
Illustrate and describe how a turbofan engine works.
What is a high-bypass engine?
What are the differences between a turbofan, turbojet and turboprop?
What are the differences between jet engines and propeller engines?
What is bleed air and what is it used for?
During cruise at cruising altitude for a commercial aircraft, give the:
Approximate altitude it is flying at
Cabin altitude
Atmospheric temperature outside the aircraft
What do the runway numbers describe and mean?
What is Changi Airport’s runway orientation?
What are the two devices used to manoeuvre the plane on the ground?
What are V-speeds? Describe the common V-speeds:
Why do pilots take their hand off the thrust lever / throttle at V1?
State the typical take-off, cruising and landing speed of a commercial aircraft.
What is the purpose of wingtip devices?
Name the different types of:
Wingtip devices
What are flaps and how do they work?
Describe the pitot-statis system found in commercial aircrafts.
What are the various crosswind techniques in landing an aircraft?
What is your favourite aircraft? Tell me some details about it and about why it is your favourite. What is so special about it?
What are the main differences between an Airbus and Boeing aircraft?
Why are the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 more efficient than older aircrafts?
What are bleedless engines and how do they work?
How can you differentiate and tell different commercial aircrafts apart both interior and exterior?
How much fuel is used from Singapore (to destination)?
What are the types of extra fuel carried on board?
What is the difference between MAYDAY and PAN PAN?
What does MAYDAY FUEL or MINIMUM FUEL mean? What are their procedures like?
What are the effects of decompression? What should you do when faced with it?
What should you do when an aircraft engine is on fire? Should the engine still be on fire after attempting to extinguish it, what should you do next?
Where are fire extinguishers typically located in an aircraft?
Describe how waypoints are determined and obtained.
Explain what is a stall and how it occurs.
What is a stick shaker?
Give an example of a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) / Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) of Singapore Changi.
What is an Instrument Landing System (ILS)?
Explain the purpose of a transponder and squawking ident.
Explain what is Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and how it works.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Captain and First Officer?
What are the differences between Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM)?
Share with me what pilots do before and during every flight.
What is the Swiss Cheese Model, and why is it that important in aviation?
Why are budget airlines performing well in recent times?
Name three trends in the aviation industry. How will this affect the industry over time and also SQ?
What is ETOPS and how does it affect flying today?
The number of operating flight crew in an airplane has been decreasing over the past decades. Why is this so?

Have you read of any recent aviation incidents? Elaborate and describe how and why it happened.
Tell me of a recent incident involving a Singapore Airlines aircraft.
Share with me any recent or past news of a Singapore Airlines aircraft experiencing rapid decompression.
Has Singapore Airlines experienced any fatal accidents in its history? Share more about the accident.
What is Crew Resource Management (CRM)? Share an aircraft accident that was the result of a lack of CRM.
How will you handle a critical situation in flight with your fellow pilot?
If you are in the marketing team of an airline, how will you convince your customers that it is safe to fly on the Boeing 737 MAX?

Briefly share about the history of Singapore Airlines.
How many planes does SQ have? Can you name the specific types?
If you are able to choose, what aircraft type would you like to fly initially?
What do you know about SQ?
What are the latest news and developments for SQ?
What is SQ’s current stock price?
What are the existing challenges which SQ are facing? How do we solve these challenges?
What do you think of the future of SQ? How can it continue to compete effectively in the aviation industry?
Who is in the top management of SQ?
You mentioned that you admire the lifestyle of an SQ pilot. Would you then fly for Scoot?

How many campuses does SFC have?
What are some modules covered during ground school in SFC?
What aircraft will you learn to fly at SFC?
How long is the entire programme at SFC?
What do you think training is like as a cadet with SFC?
What are the processes like should you manage to get into the programme at SFC?

Mathematical Question - Give the conversion rate between:
Feet and Metres
Kilometers and Nautical miles (or Kilometer/Hour and Knots)
Litres and US gallons
Speed Mathematical Questions - An extension of questions from above:
Given that an aircraft has travelled at 900 km/hr for 7 hours, how far in nautical miles has it flown?
Given that an aircraft has covered 7,000 km over 8 hours, what is the aircraft speed in knots?
What is the capital of (country)?
What is the current time now in (destination)?
What is Daylight Saving Time?
What is the distance from Singapore to (destination)?
How long does it take to fly from Singapore to (destination)?
When traveling from Singapore to (destination), which countries or water bodies will you overfly?
Describe the flight path of the aircraft which you took in your most recent flight.
What are the existing geographical or political issues and current affairs of certain countries which may affect or be of concern to aviation?
What are some of the challenges you may face should you fly to (destination) during this time of the year?
What is the most dangerous cloud to fly through?
What are the effects on countries which are located on the boundaries of tectonic plates?
What are the threats of volcanic eruptions?
Describe how does GPS work.

There are other candidates out there which are as good as, if not better and more suited for the job. What makes you different? Why should we hire you?
What will you do if you’re not selected for the job?
You did not perform well academically and your grades or GPA were not satisfactory. Why was this so? What has changed such that you can perform during ground school?
You already currently have a good job outside, and being a pilot may not suit you. Why do you want to throw it all away?
You do not appear to have done much to get into or pursue your interest in aviation. Why should we offer you this opportunity?